D Dog-Anne Eldridge, Software Engineer
Saucy Dog-Sue Johnston, Medical Transcriptionist
Saucy Dog's father worked for the Air Force; so, her
family moved around a lot when she was little: Italy, Philippines,
and many locations around the States. When she was nine, they moved
to Waterford, Vermont, where she has lived ever since. She went to
Champlain College and got married to Mike Auger in 1989. Waterford
has given Saucy Dog great access to her many adventures in the White Mountains
and other high peaks in New England.
Saucy Dog's life's passion started in 1992 when she did her first marathon
and ultramarathon. By now she has done over 60 ultramarathons.
In 1999, she was ranked 5th in the nation for 100 milers. This year
she had the 14th fastest 100 mile run ever for a North American women at
Rocky Raccoon. Just to mention some of her more important wins:
Killington 10 miler in 1993; Pisgah Mountain Trail Marathon in 1994; Hat
Run 50K in 1997; Wapack 35 miler in 1997, 1998; Massanutten 100 miler in
1997, 1998, 2000 and course record; Wild Oak 50 miler in 1998 and course
record; Superior 100 miler in 1999 and course record; JFK 50 miler in 1999;
Mount Masochist 50 miler in 1999; Halliburton 100 miler in 2001 and course
record; Catoctin 50K in 2001; Laurel Highlands 70 miler in 2002.
Probably her most impressive feats were when in 2000 she won the two hardest
100 milers in the world. With a time of 32 hours 20 minutes, she
won the Hardrock 100, with its 32,000 vertical feet, encompassing 6 passes
over 13,000 feet and one over a Colorado 14er, Handies. She has also
gone farther than any other women at the Barkley by doing over 34,000 feet
and 66 miles in 42 hours.
The White Mountains have been a playground for training for ultramarathons.
Saucy Dog loves to hike and many of her friends are passionate hikers.
In 1991, she finished the Long Trail and in 1994 she through hiked the
Appalachian Trail. She has hiked all of New England's 100 Highest
Peaks in both winter and summer. She has done all of the Vermont
and Maine Four Thousand Footers and is nearing the end of doing all of
the New Hampshire Four Thousand in every month. Saucy Dog has also
done 30 Colorado Fourteeners.
Saucy Dog met Cave Dog through Al Dog. While training Cave Dog
alternated staying with Al Dog and staying in Saucy Dog and Mike's home.
Saucy Dog helped Cave Dog in fine tuning his final course and they did
many training hikes together.
During the Wild Whites Ultramarathon, Saucy Dog hiked with Cave Dog
on his last day. |
Iron Dog-Vivian Beer, Blacksmith
Iron Dog grew up in Ellsworth, Maine, where she enjoyed
hiking and camping in the Maine Woods at a young age. One of her
preferred retreats was to Baxter State Park. In 2000, she graduated
from the Maine College of Art in Portland, Maine, with a degree in sculpture.
She is currently working as a blacksmith in Florida, New York. Next
year she will be attending Cranbrook Academy of Art in Bloomfield Hills,
Iron Dog met Cave Dog while they were both guiding sea kayaking tours
in Bar Harbor, ME, in 2001. They used to jog together on the carriage
roads of Mount Desert Island before their paddles. Sea kayaking continues
to be a favorite pastime for both of them.
During the Marshall Mountain Madness Ultramarathon, Iron Dog helped
out with the hiking support and provided the support vehicle. During
the Wild Whites Ultramarathon, Iron Dog again helped out with the hiking
and driving support and provided the support vehicle. |
Deputy Dog-John Rothchild, Author
Yankee Dog-Robert Williams, Mechanical Engineer
Yankee Dog grew up in Utica, NY. After High School,
he moved to the Boston area where he met Sheila, and they married in 1990.
In 1994, their daughter Shannon was born, and in 1998, their son Ryan.
Both children have been camping and hiking at a very early age. He
earned a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Umass Lowell and is employed
by Analogic Corp, working on the design of Medical Imaging and Security
Imaging equipment.
Because Yankee Dog works for a large Corporation and has a windowless
office, he heads north almost every weekend for some mountain therapy.
He has climbed all of the New Hampshire 48 several times, including most
in winter, and has done many of his favorites, Franconias, and Presidentials,
between 10 to 20+ times. Yankee Dog has also climbed peaks in Colorado,
New Mexico, Tennessee, New York (1/4 of the Adirondack 46), Vermont, and
Maine, including Katahdin 7 times.
Yankee Dog met Cave Dog by closely following the M3 Challenge.
He was so impressed with Cave Dog’s accomplishment that he emailed him
asking if he had any plans for attempting the NH48 record. They emailed
each other for the next several weeks. Then in midJuly, Cave Dog
emailed him asking if he would like to join his support team for a record
attempt in the second week of August. Yankee Dog gladly accepted.
During the W2 Challenge, Yankee Dog helped out with finding
base camp, with time projections and optimal support locations, and also
with some of the more remote hiking support. |
Adog-Richard Kelly, Retired Attorney
Adog and Base Dog live on Boulderwood in Lake Placid
where the Adirondack base camp lean to is located. They are hiking
the Adirondack 46 High Peaks recently completing Skylight, their 31st,
the week before the W 2 .
Base Dog is a nursing consultant and Adog, an attorney; and they are
semiretired. They have spent all seasons these past four years on
the mountains and waters of the Adirondacks when not volunteering, gardening,
playing tennis, partying, or traveling to visit one of their three children
in New England, or going back to Long Island, to Canada, to Florida, or
just about anywhere else.
Adog and Base Dog's home has been a regional base camp for both training
and the Marshall Mountain Maddness Ultramarathon. During the M3,
they helped at base camp and with hiking support. During the W2,
Adog helped out with the driving support. |
Slo Dog-Terry Finnan, Retired
Slo Dog climbed his first Adirondack High Peak in August
of 1948. His childhood was spent partly in the mountains and partly
at the ocean. After graduating from New York Unniversity in 1965,
he went into business and devoted his leisure life to mountains, ocean
sailing, skiing, and cycling.
Slo Dog climbed in the west and Europe and sailed in the Mediterranean,
Caribbean, and the East Coast from Maine to Key West. Not finding
the answer to the question of whether life is a beach or a mountain, he
returned to the Adirondacks. He hopes to finish his Adirondack High
Peak climbs this year, 54 years after his first peak. Slo Dog continues
sailing on Lake Champlain, cycling, and skiing and snowshoeing in the mountains
in the winter.
During the M3, Slo Dog helped out with the hiking and driving
support. He also helped out with the driving support during the W2. |
Snow Dog-Marsha Finnan, Economic Consultant
Snow Dog is an avid hiker and can be seen all winter
on her snowshoes trekking in the Adirondacks. One day Snow Dog and
her husband Slo Dog snowshoed Marcy after the eight foot dump in March
of 2001. Trail markers that are 10-12 feet high were barely visible.
Finding themselves alone on Marcy's summit, they were indeed "Tops in NY
State". Snow Dog also enjoys biking, sailing, and Tai Chi.
Later this month, she plans to climb Seward, her last peak in climbing
all of the ADK 46. In addition, Snow Dog has climbed in the Catskills
extensively and has scaled all of the Catskill 35.
She is an international economic consultant with her own business, www.economic-services.com.
Snow Dog is the proud mother of Ski Dog, as well as, two grown daughters.
Snow Dog met Cave Dog while he was scouting the ADKs. She was
disappointed that she could not join the team because of work commitments.
She jumped at the chance to help Cave Dog in the Whites with driving and
reprovisioning on the trail.
Salty Dog-Hal Rhubart, Retired Computer Programmer
Salty Dog worked as a computer programmer in New Jersey
and New York City when he decided to take a year and a half off in the
White Mountains. The allure of the Whites was strong and after fourteen
years of mountaineering, these mountains have become his home. He
has gained a strong passion for hiking. He is the cochair of a hiking
group that has hiked all year around every Wednesday for the past three
and a half years. For five years he has been a maintainer for the
Appalacian Mountain Club volunteer adopt a trail program and a section
leader for the last two. This passion for the mountains has led him
to recently completing his twentieth round of the New Hampshire 48 Four
Thousand Footers. However, it does not stop with hiking. He
also enjoys cross country skiing and recently has gained a strong taste
for rock climbing.
Salty Dog met Cave Dog on top of Jackson and Pierce, while Saucy and
Cave Dogs were scouting out a Presidential traverse with Isolation.
After studying the maps atop Pierce, it became obvious that Salty Dog had
a vast knowledge of the trails and mountains and would be a great addition
to The Dog Team.
During the challenge, Salty Dog helped out with the hiking support. |
Al Dog-Al Sochard, IBM Salesperson
Dippity Do Dog-Travis
Hungry Dog-Brian Finke, Photographer
Pup Dog-Lisa Daniels,
Cave Dog-Ted E. Keizer, Bum
Cave Dog grew up in Coos Bay, Oregon. He graduated
from Brown University in 1994 with degrees in Geology Biology and Political
Science. While at Brown, he was elected Student Body President.
He was also voted by his class to lead their graduation procession.
After college, Cave Dog was tracked for a life in politics when he decided
that he needed to experience life before he could write and vote on laws.
So, he set out to do his own study of society, people, and nature.
Since that time he has visited all of the states, all but two of them multiple
times. He has lived and worked in fourteen states, Indian country,
the inner city, and the woods. Hot air balloon pilot, hotel accountant,
steel construction, shoveling snow off roofs, enumerator, moving man, high
school teacher, and ambulance driver are just a few of the means of employment
he has tried. His only restriction is that he never does the same
job twice. Being an outdoor enthusiast from an early age, he has
visited 145 National Park sites and hiked and climbed in 38 states.
In addition, he did a 31 day solo in Glacier Park, Montana, under winter
conditions. Cave Dog also broken two records: the Mighty Mountain
Megamarathon(M 4 ) by climbing all of the Colorado 14ers in
10 days, 20 hours, and 26 minutes; and the Marshall Mountain Maddness Ultramarathon(M
3 ) by climbing all of the Adirondack 46 High Peaks in 3 days, 18
hours, and 14 minutes. He loves all forms of hiking from the peaks
to the canyons, from the swamps to the desert, from the woods to the tundra.
Most of all he loves the wildlife and the wildflowers.
During the White Mountain challenge, Cave Dog climbed, and that is all. |
The Dog House, Support Vehicle
During the challenge, there were some situations where Cave
Dog needed to be driven from one mountain group to another. Iron
Dog's pickup was outfitted with a mattress and lots of supplies for this
transport. |