Virginia Route Description

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Provided by Mike Juskelis

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Massanutten Trail

Trail Notes: From the parking area, cross the bridge over Passage Creek and immediately turn left onto the Massanutten/Tuscarora Trail. It will be blazed in blue and orange with a residual yellow blaze here and there from when this was part of the Shaw's Gap Trail. Follow the Creek for about 1/3 of a mile, passing the ruins of Elizabeth’s Furnace on your right. Witch Hazel blooms here in the understory in November.

Turn away from the creek and begin to climb, crossing a part time tributary on a footbridge. A series of short and long switchbacks bring you to the top of the ridge at about two miles from the start of the hike. The intersection of white blazed Buzzard Rock Trail is to the left and yellow blazed Shaw's Gap Trail straight ahead. 

Turn right, staying on the orange/blue blazed Massanutten/Tuscarora Trail. Soon pass a large campsite. There is no water on this portion of the mountain so bring plenty if you intend to spend the night.

Climb up and down three peaks with alternating views to the east of the Shenandoah Valley, River, and SNP and to the west of Fort Valley.

At two miles from the last intersection, arrive at the intersection of pink blazed Sherman Gap Trail on the right. Continue south on the Massanutten/Tuscarora Trail. Here the woods look like an urban blight area as the trees are blazed in alternating orange, pink, and blue stripes. For a short distance the Massanutten, Tuscarora, and Sherman Gap Trails share the same tread. As you drop into a slight saddle, the Sherman Gap Trail turns left and descends from the ridge, leaving you on the orange and blue blazed Massanutten/Tuscarora Trail.

Climb out of the saddle and walk out to the edge of the knob. At about 0.8 miles from the last intersection, arrive at a close up view of "The Point" on the Shenandoah River.

I have not hiked the next section between here and Stephen’s Trail but it is pretty straight forward. In about 4 miles from the last Sherman’s Gap Trail (pink) turned off the blue blazed Tuscarora will also turn left (east) and descend into the Shenandoah Valley. Continue South on the orange blazed Massanutten Trail.
In another 3.3 miles the white blazed Milford Gap Trail will come in from the left. Stay straight on the Massanutten Trail.

In another 1.3 miles pass the junction of purple blazed Indian Grave Ridge Trail on the left. Continue South on the orange blazed Massanutten Trail.

In 3.6 miles pass the junction of purple blazed Habron Gap Trail on the left. Continue South on the orange blazed Massanutten Trail.

In another 2.6 miles pass the junction of yellow blazed Stephen’s Trail on the right.

At 0.84 miles from the Last trail intersection arrive at white blazed Kennedy Peak Trail. If you want a great view take the white trail but it is not in your mileage. Climb steeply for 0.26 miles up a rocky trail to the ruins of an old fire tower. Climb to the top for a great view of the surrounding valley and the Blue Ridge to the East. The gap in the mountains directly in front of you is the Jeremy’s Run drainage in the SNP.

Return to the Massanutten Trail and turn left. There are more partial views of Fort Valley and the western ridge along the higher part of this segment. In 2.37 miles reach RT675 at Edith Gap and a final view of the valley. Turn right and walk downhill a few yards where you will reenter the woods on the continuation of Massanutten Trail to the right.

In about 0.77 miles arrive at the gravel parking area. Turn left and follow the driveway out to Rt675. Turn right and walk down the road a bit. The Massanutten Trail reenters the woods on the left. Turn here.

I am pretty sure the footpath leads to an old woods road. You will probably cross a stream before then. Turn left onto the woods road and begin a loooong gradual climb through Duncan Hollow. The woods road roughly follows the stream.

In about 3.3 miles, come to a 4 way intersection. To the right is blue blazed Gap Creek Trail, which leads to Duncan Knob. To the left is an unsigned trail that crosses the stream. Continue straight (south) on Massanutten Trail.

The trail will continue to follow the woods road as it climbs way above the stream. In about two miles, it will turn into a footpath, turn hard right and climb over a ridge to descend to the junction with yellow blazed Scothorn Gap Trail straight ahead and to the right (2.4 miles from the last trail intersection). Turn left to stay on the Massanutten Trail.

For the next 2.1 miles, descend into a deep hollow. Cross Big Run two times before arriving at the junction with white blazed Massanutten Connector Trail on the left. My map is a little inaccurate here so follow these directions. Turn right to stay on the orange blazed Massanutten Trail. Climb about 800 feet in the next 0.6 miles. At the top, an old trail goes straight ahead. The blazes have been painted out. An obvious footpath with fresh orange blazes is to the left. Turn left and in about 0.6 miles, reach Crisman Hollow Rd and the car. You have made it!!!!


Driving Directions

To the Start

1. Take I-81 North in VA.

2. At Strasburg take VA 55 East. Follow the VA55 signs through Strasburg.

3. Turn right onto Route 678.

4. Pass Fisheries road on left and parking lots for Signal Knob Trail on the right.

5. Turn left into Elizabeth Furnace Picnic Area. Park on left before concrete bridge. Start Hike.

To the Finish

6. Continue on Route 678.

7. In about 16 miles come to an intersection called King’s Crossing. Last time I was there, a closed country store was the only thing around. Turn left onto Route 675.

8. In about 3.4 miles come to another intersection. Route 675 with a sign to Camp Roosevelt goes left. You want to continue straight onto Crisman Hollow Road (FR274).

9. You will pass a few trailheads and forest roads on both sides of the road. In 4.7 miles, arrive at a small sign for Massanutten Trail with orange blazes on the trees. There is a semicircle turnout on the right for parking.

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